| Name | Date of Death | Info |
 | Faye, Alice | 05/09/1998 | -- She starred in a large number... |  | Fears, Tom | 01/04/2000 | -- Hall of Fame football player ... |  | Fechter, Peter | 08/17/1962 | -- East German youth who was sho... |  | Feinstein, Dianne | | -- US senator from California, f... |  | Feinstein, Michael | | -- Singer and pianist who has al... |  | Feldman, Marty | 12/02/1982 | -- Comic actor in many movies, "... |  | Feldon, Barbara | | -- Played Agent 99 on the TV ser... |  | Feldshuh, Tovah | | -- She plays the recurring chara... |  | Feliciano, Jose | | -- Guitar player and singer |  | Félix, María | 04/08/2002 | -- Mexican actress known as La D... |  | Fell, Norman | 12/14/1998 | -- Played Mr. Roper on the TV se... |  | Feller, Bob | 12/15/2010 | -- Baseball player, Hall of Fame... |  | Fellini, Federico | 10/31/1993 | -- Italian film director, "La Do... |  | Felt, W. Mark | 12/18/2008 | -- He was the secret source know... |  | Fender, Freddy | 10/14/2006 | -- Country and pop singer, he ha... |  | Fender, Leo | 03/21/1991 | -- He was a pioneer in the devel... |  | Fenneman, George | 05/29/1997 | -- He was the announcer on the G... |  | Fenwick, Millicent | 09/16/1992 | -- Former member of the US House... |  | Ferber, Edna | 04/16/1968 | -- Novelist and short story writ... |  | Ferebee, Thomas | 03/16/2000 | -- He was the bombardier on the ... |  | Ferguson, Maynard | 08/23/2006 | -- Jazz trumpeter known for his ... |  | Ferlinghetti, Lawr... | | -- Beat poet and owner of City L... |  | Ferrari, Enzo | 08/14/1988 | -- Italian car designer and manu... |  | Ferraro, Geraldine | 03/26/2011 | -- US vice presidential candidat... |  | Ferrer, José | 01/26/1992 | -- Famous for playing Cyrano in ... |  | Ferrer, Mel | 06/02/2008 | -- He played the puppeteer in th... |  | Ferrer, Miguel | 01/19/2017 | -- He played Garret Macy in the ... |  | Ferrigno, Lou | | -- Bodybuilder, starred as the H... |  | Ferry, Bryan | | -- Lead singer of Roxy Music and... |  | Fertel, Ruth | 04/16/2002 | -- Founder and spokeswoman of th... |  | Fetchit, Stepin | 11/19/1985 | -- Black actor prominent in movi... |  | Feynman, Richard | 02/15/1988 | -- Physicist, he invented the Fe... |  | Fidrych, Mark "The... | 04/13/2009 | -- Baseball player whose career ... |  | Fiedler, Arthur | 07/10/1979 | -- Longtime conductor of the Bos... |  | Fiedler, John | 06/25/2005 | -- He was the voice of Piglet in... |  | Field, Sally | | -- Played Gidget on the TV serie... |  | Fields, Debbi | | -- She's the Mrs. Fields in Mrs.... |  | Fields, Totie | 08/02/1978 | -- Comedienne, appeared often on... |  | Fierstein, Harvey | | -- Gruff-voiced actor/playwright... |  | Figueiredo, João | 12/24/1999 | -- Former military ruler of Braz... |  | Finch, Peter | 01/14/1977 | -- Starred as Howard Beale (who ... |  | Fine, Larry | 01/24/1975 | -- One of the Three Stooges, he ... |  | Fingers, Rollie | | -- Baseball player, ace relief p... |  | Finkel, Fyvush | 08/14/2016 | -- He played lawyer Douglas Wamb... |  | Finley, Charlie | 02/19/1996 | -- Creative, colorful owner of t... |  | Finnbogadóttir, Vi... | | -- Former president of Iceland (... |  | Finney, Albert | 02/07/2019 | -- Known for his stage work and ... |  | Finster, Howard | 10/22/2001 | -- Folk artist, known for his re... |  | Fiorentino, Linda | | -- She played Dr. Laurel Weaver ... |  | Fischbacher, Siegf... | | -- He's the Siegfried part of th... |
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