| Name | Date of Death | Info |
 | Gardner, Erle Stanley | 03/11/1970 | -- Creator of the fictional defe... |  | Gardner, Herb | 09/24/2003 | -- Playwright known for his work... |  | Gardner, Martin | 05/22/2010 | -- Known for popularizing mathem... |  | Garfield, Allen | | -- He's appeared in many movies,... |  | Garfunkel, Art | | -- Half of the singing duo Simon... |  | Garland, Beverly | 12/05/2008 | -- She played Barbara on the TV ... |  | Garland, Judy | 06/22/1969 | -- She was Dorothy in the movie ... |  | Garlits, Don | | -- Drag racing champion, known a... |  | Garn, Jake | | -- Former US senator from Utah, ... |  | Garner, Erroll | 01/02/1977 | -- Jazz pianist, known for his h... |  | Garner, James | 07/19/2014 | -- Starred as Jim Rockford in th... |  | Garner, Peggy Ann | 10/16/1984 | -- Child star most famous for he... |  | Garnett, Gale | | -- Folk singer turned actress, s... |  | Garr, Teri | | -- She has appeared in "Young Fr... |  | Garrett, Betty | 02/12/2011 | -- She appeared in "On the Town"... |  | Garrison, David | | -- Played Steve Rhodes on the TV... |  | Garrison, Jim | 10/21/1992 | -- Former District Attorney of N... |  | Garrity, Freddie | 05/19/2006 | -- Leader of the '60s British po... |  | Garroway, Dave | 07/21/1982 | -- One of the original hosts of ... |  | Garson, Greer | 04/06/1996 | -- Starred in the movie "Mrs. Mi... |  | Garver, Kathy | | -- Played Cissy on the TV series... |  | Garvey, Steve | | -- First baseman for the Los Ang... |  | Gary, Lorraine | | -- She played Mrs. Brody (the sh... |  | Gasparro, Frank | 09/29/2001 | -- Chief engraver of the U.S. Mi... |  | Gaston, Cito | | -- Baseball manager, led the Tor... |  | Gately, George | 09/30/2001 | -- Creator of the comic strip "H... |  | Gates, Bill | | -- Co-founder and chairman of Mi... |  | Gates, Daryl | 04/16/2010 | -- Chief of the Los Angeles Poli... |  | Gathers, Hank | 03/04/1990 | -- College basketball star*doaq*... |  | Gatlin, Larry | | -- Country music singer with a s... |  | Gaultier, Jean-Paul | | -- Fashion designer, known for h... |  | Gautier, Dick | 01/13/2017 | -- He played Hymie the Robot on ... |  | Gavilan, Kid | 02/03/2003 | -- Cuban-born boxer, former worl... |  | Gavin, James | 02/23/1990 | -- US Army general known as "Jum... |  | Gavin, John | 02/09/2018 | -- He appeared in the movies "Im... |  | Gaye, Marvin | 04/01/1984 | -- Singer, known for "Heard It T... |  | Gayle, Crystal | | -- Country singer most famous fo... |  | Gaynes, George | 02/15/2016 | -- He played the Commandant in t... |  | Gaynor, Gloria | | -- Singer, best known for her sm... |  | Gaynor, Janet | 09/14/1984 | -- Starred in the 1937 version o... |  | Gaynor, Mitzi | | -- Dancer and actress, she appea... |  | Gazzara, Ben | 02/03/2012 | -- He appeared in the original "... |  | Gazzo, Michael | 02/14/1995 | -- Actor, played Frankie Pentang... |  | Geary, Anthony | | -- Played Luke Spencer, of Luke ... |  | Gebel-Williams, Gu... | 07/19/2001 | -- Legendary animal trainer with... |  | Geer, Will | 04/22/1978 | -- Played Grandpa Walton on the ... |  | Geeson, Judy | | -- Played student Pamela Dare in... |  | Geffen, David | | -- Founder of Geffen Records, he... |  | Gehry, Frank | | -- Architect, emphasizes human s... |  | Geils, J | 04/11/2017 | -- Guitarist and founder and lea... |
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