| Name | Date of Death | Info |
 | King, Martin Luthe... | 04/04/1968 | -- Civil rights leader, famous f... |  | King, Morgana | 03/22/2018 | -- Played Mama Corleone in the m... |  | King, Perry | | -- He has appeared in many movie... |  | King, Rodney | 06/17/2012 | -- The acquittal of LAPD officer... |  | King, Stephen | | -- Master of the horror genre, "... |  | King, Zalman | 02/03/2012 | -- Writer/director/producer, he ... |  | Kingsley, Ben | | -- He played Gandhi in the movie... |  | Kinison, Sam | 04/10/1992 | -- Shock comic*doaq*, died in a ... |  | Kinkade, Thomas | 04/06/2012 | -- American painter known for hi... |  | Kinmont, Jill | 02/09/2012 | -- Olympic skiing hopeful paraly... |  | Kinnear, Roy | 09/20/1988 | -- Played Veruca Salt's father i... |  | Kinney, Kathy | | -- She played Drew's nemesis, Mi... |  | Kinnock, Neil | | -- Former leader of the Labour P... |  | Kinsella, W.P. | 09/16/2016 | -- He wrote "Shoeless Joe" which... |  | Kinski, Klaus | 11/23/1991 | -- Actor known especially for hi... |  | Kinsley, Michael | | -- Political journalist, editor ... |  | Kirby, Bruno | 08/14/2006 | -- He played Ed in the movie "Ci... |  | Kirby, Durward | 03/16/2000 | -- He was Garry Moore's sidekick... |  | Kirk, Phyllis | 10/19/2006 | -- She co-starred in the 1950s 3... |  | Kirk, Tommy | | -- One of the original Mousekete... |  | Kirkland, Gelsey | | -- Ballet dancer, frequently par... |  | Kirkland, Lane | 08/14/1999 | -- Former president of the AFL-CIO |  | Kirkland, Sally | | -- She appeared in the movies "P... |  | Kirkpatrick, Helen | 12/29/1997 | -- World War II correspondent, s... |  | Kirkpatrick, Jeane | 12/07/2006 | -- Former US ambassador to the U... |  | Kirshner, Don | 01/17/2011 | -- Pop music impresario, host of... |  | Kiser, Terry | | -- Best known for his roles as t... |  | Kissinger, Henry | | -- Former US Secretary of State |  | KitarÅ | | -- Japanese New Age composer/mus... |  | Kitt, Eartha | 12/25/2008 | -- Singer, dancer and actress kn... |  | Kittinger, Joe | | -- As a US Air Force captain he ... |  | Klaas, Polly | 10/01/1993 | -- California girl kidnapped fro... |  | Klammer, Franz | | -- Austrian skier remembered esp... |  | Klarsfeld, Beate | | -- She and her husband, Serge Kl... |  | Klarsfeld, Serge | | -- He and his wife, Beate Klarsf... |  | Klebold, Dylan | 04/20/1999 | -- With his friend Eric Harris, ... |  | Klein, Anne | 03/19/1974 | -- Fashion designer |  | Klein, Calvin | | -- Popularized designer jeans, c... |  | Klein, Joe | | -- American journalist and autho... |  | Klein, Robert | | -- Stand-up comedian and actor, ... |  | Kleindienst, Richard | 02/03/2000 | -- Former US Attorney General un... |  | Klemperer, Otto | 07/06/1973 | -- German classical conductor, m... |  | Klemperer, Werner | 12/06/2000 | -- Played Colonel Klink on the T... |  | Kliban, B. | 08/12/1990 | -- Famous for his whimsical cart... |  | Kline, Kevin | | -- He's starred or appeared in "... |  | Kline, Richard | | -- He played swinging bachelor, ... |  | Klous, Pat | | -- She co-starred in the TV seri... |  | Klugman, Jack | 12/24/2012 | -- He played Quincy on the TV se... |  | Knef, Hildegard | 02/01/2002 | -- German actress and singer who... |  | Knievel, Evel | 11/30/2007 | -- Daredevil motorcyclist famous... |
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