| Name | Date of Death | Info |
 | Lawrence, Carol | | -- Singer and actress, known for... |  | Lawrence, Ernest | 08/27/1958 | -- Experimental nuclear physicis... |  | Lawrence, Jerome | 02/29/2004 | -- Playwright, co-author of "Inh... |  | Lawrence, Marc | 11/28/2005 | -- Pockmarked actor who made a c... |  | Lawrence, Steve | | -- Singing partner with his wife... |  | Lawrence, Vicki | | -- Regular on the TV variety sho... |  | Laxalt, Paul | 08/06/2018 | -- Former US senator from Nevada |  | Lay, Ken | 07/05/2006 | -- Founder and CEO of the energy... |  | Layne, Bobby | 12/01/1986 | -- Hall of Fame football player,... |  | Lazar, Irving "Swi... | 12/30/1993 | -- Hollywood superagent |  | Lazenby, George | | -- One-shot wonder as James Bond... |  | Le Beauf, Sabrina | | -- She played the oldest daughte... |  | Le Carré, John | | -- Author of acclaimed espionage... |  | Le Corbusier | 08/27/1965 | -- Swiss architect, early member... |  | Le Guin, Ursula K. | 01/22/2018 | -- Writer best known for her sci... |  | Le Pen, Jean-Marie | | -- Leader of the National Front ... |  | Le, Duc Tho | 10/13/1990 | -- Chief negotiator for North Vi... |  | Leach, Robin | 08/24/2018 | -- Host of the TV series "Lifest... |  | Leachman, Cloris | | -- Played Phyllis on the TV seri... |  | Leahy, Patrick | | -- US senator from Vermont |  | Leakey, Louis | 10/01/1972 | -- Anthropologist, made ground-b... |  | Leakey, Mary | 12/09/1996 | -- Discovered and excavated, alo... |  | Leakey, Richard | | -- Son of anthropologists Louis ... |  | Lean, David | 04/16/1991 | -- Director known for his sweepi... |  | Lear, Norman | | -- Creator of the TV series "All... |  | Lear, William | 05/14/1978 | -- Inventor of the eight-track t... |  | Learned, Michael | | -- Played the mother, Olivia Wal... |  | Leary, Denis | | -- Acerbic stand-up comedian and... |  | Leary, Timothy | 05/31/1996 | -- Harvard professor turned LSD ... |  | Leavelle, Jim | 08/29/2019 | -- He was the Dallas police dete... |  | Lebed, Alexander | 04/28/2002 | -- Former Soviet/Russian general... |  | Lederman, Leon | 10/03/2018 | -- Physicist, former director of... |  | Ledger, Heath | 01/22/2008 | -- He starred in "Brokeback Moun... |  | LeDoux, Chris | 03/09/2005 | -- Country music singer known es... |  | Lee, Ang | | -- Director of "Crouching Tiger,... |  | Lee, Anna | 05/14/2004 | -- She played Lila Quartermaine ... |  | Lee, Arthur | 08/03/2006 | -- Leader of the '60s rock group... |  | Lee, Bernard | 01/16/1981 | -- He was the original "M" in th... |  | Lee, Brandon | 03/31/1993 | -- Martial arts expert and actor... |  | Lee, Brenda | | -- Singer, known as Little Miss ... |  | Lee, Bruce | 07/20/1973 | -- Martial arts expert and movie... |  | Lee, Christopher | 06/07/2015 | -- He came to fame in horror mov... |  | Lee, Eugene "Gordon" | 10/16/2005 | -- Played "Porky" in the "Our Ga... |  | Lee, Geddy | | -- Lead singer of the Canadian r... |  | Lee, Gypsy Rose | 04/26/1970 | -- Burlesque star in the 1930s f... |  | Lee, Harper | 02/19/2016 | -- Author of "To Kill a Mockingb... |  | Lee, Johnny | | -- Country music singer, sang "L... |  | Lee, Johnny (I) | 12/12/1965 | -- Played Algonquin J. Calhoun o... |  | Lee, Kuan Yew | 03/23/2015 | -- Former prime minister of Sing... |  | Lee, Michele | | -- Starred in the TV series "Kno... |
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