| Name | Date of Death | Info |
 | Matalin, Mary | | -- Republican political activist... |  | Mathers, Jerry | | -- Played the Beaver on the clas... |  | Matheson, Tim | | -- He was the voice of Jonny Que... |  | Mathews, Eddie | 02/18/2001 | -- Hall of Fame baseball player,... |  | Mathews, Kerwin | 07/05/2007 | -- He starred in the movie "The ... |  | Mathews, Larry | | -- He played Ritchie, the Petrie... |  | Mathias, Bob | 09/02/2006 | -- He won the gold medal in the ... |  | Mathis, Johnny | | -- Singer known especially for h... |  | Matthau, Walter | 07/01/2000 | -- He starred in numerous movies... |  | Matthews, Chris | | -- Host of the TV political talk... |  | Matthews, Junius | 01/18/1978 | -- Voice of Rabbit in Winnie the... |  | Matthews, Neal Jr. | 04/21/2000 | -- Member of the singing group T... |  | Mattingly, Thomas | | -- Astronaut, command module pil... |  | Mature, Victor | 08/04/1999 | -- He appeared in the movies "Ki... |  | Matuszak, John | 06/17/1989 | -- Football player, won two Supe... |  | Mauch, Gene | 08/08/2005 | -- Baseball manager who skippere... |  | Maugham, W. Somerset | 12/16/1965 | -- Novelist, author of "The Moon... |  | Mauldin, Bill | 01/22/2003 | -- Famous for his cartoons from ... |  | Maupin, Armistead | | -- Author of "Tales of the City" |  | Max, Peter | | -- Known for his colorful, hippi... |  | Maxwell Reid, Daphne | | -- She played Vivian Banks (#2) ... |  | Maxwell, Lois | 09/29/2007 | -- She was the original Miss Mon... |  | Maxwell, Robert | 11/05/1991 | -- British media mogul, born in ... |  | Maxwell, Vera | 01/15/1995 | -- Designer, known as the "Ameri... |  | May, Billy | 01/22/2004 | -- Arranger, composer and trumpe... |  | May, Brian | | -- Guitarist with the group Queen |  | May, Elaine | | -- Writer, director and actress,... |  | Mayall, John | | -- Pioneering British blues musi... |  | Mayfield, Curtis | 12/26/1999 | -- Singer, original member of Th... |  | Mayhew, Peter | 04/30/2019 | -- Played Chewbacca in the "Star... |  | Mayo, Joel | 04/25/1980 | -- He died in the Desert One res... |  | Mayo, Virginia | 01/17/2005 | -- She appeared in "The Secret L... |  | Mayo, Whitman | 05/22/2001 | -- Played Grady on the TV series... |  | Mayr, Ernst | 02/03/2005 | -- Evolutionary biologist known ... |  | Mays, Billy | 06/28/2009 | -- Exuberant infomecial star who... |  | Mays, Willie | | -- Hall of Fame baseball player,... |  | Mazeroski, Bill | | -- Hall of Fame baseball player ... |  | Mazursky, Paul | 06/30/2014 | -- Director, "Bob & Carol &a... |  | Mbeki, Thabo | | -- President of South Africa, su... |  | McAdoo, Bob | | -- Hall of Fame basketball playe... |  | McAlary, Mike | 12/25/1998 | -- Pulitzer Prize-winning column... |  | McAuliffe, Christa | 01/28/1986 | -- Teacher/astronaut, she died i... |  | McCaffrey, Anne | 11/21/2011 | -- Science fiction/fantasy write... |  | McCain, John | 08/25/2018 | -- US senator from Arizona, form... |  | McCall, C.W. | | -- Sang the song "Convoy", which... |  | McCalla, Irish | 02/01/2002 | -- Starred in the 1950s TV serie... |  | McCallum, David | | -- Played Ilya Kuryakin on the T... |  | McCambridge, Mercedes | 03/02/2004 | -- She was the voice of the poss... |  | McCandless, Chris | 08/18/1992 | -- Subject of the acclaimed book... |  | McCarthy, Eugene | 12/10/2005 | -- Former US senator from Minnes... |
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