| Name | Date of Death | Info |
 | Suharto | 01/27/2008 | -- Former longtime ruler of Indo... |  | Sukarno | 06/21/1970 | -- Leader of Indonesia's indepen... |  | Sukarnoputri, Mega... | | -- Former president of Indonesia... |  | Sullavan, Margaret | 01/01/1960 | -- She co-starred in the movies ... |  | Sullivan, Danny | | -- Race car driver, he won the I... |  | Sullivan, Ed | 10/13/1974 | -- Host of the long-running TV v... |  | Sullivan, Kathleen | | -- She co-hosted or served as ne... |  | Sullivan, Leon | 04/24/2001 | -- Author of the Sullivan Princi... |  | Sullivan, Susan | | -- Played Maggie on the TV serie... |  | Sulzberger, Arthur... | 09/29/2012 | -- Former long-time publisher of... |  | Sumac, Yma | 11/02/2008 | -- Singer popular in the 1950s, ... |  | Summer, Donna | 05/17/2012 | -- Disco queen of the 1970s, "La... |  | Summerall, Pat | 04/16/2013 | -- Sports announcer and play-by-... |  | Summers, Andy | | -- Guitarist with the group The ... |  | Summers, Marc | | -- Host of the TV game show "Dou... |  | Summitt, Pat | 06/28/2016 | -- Longtime women's basketball c... |  | Sununu, John | | -- Former Chief of Staff for US ... |  | Susann, Jacqueline | 09/21/1974 | -- Author of "Valley of the Dolls" |  | Suslov, Mikhail | 01/25/1982 | -- Soviet ideologist, power behi... |  | Susskind, David | 02/22/1987 | -- TV talk show host |  | Sutch, David | 06/16/1999 | -- Known as Screaming Lord Sutch... |  | Sutcliffe, Stu | 04/10/1962 | -- Bass guitarist with the Beatl... |  | Sutherland, Donald | | -- He has starred or appeared in... |  | Sutherland, Joan | 10/10/2010 | -- Australian-born opera singer,... |  | Sutherland, Kristine | | -- She played Buffy's mother, Jo... |  | Sutter, Bruce | | -- Hall of Fame baseball player,... |  | Sutton, Don | | -- Baseball player, Hall of Fame... |  | Sutton, Frank | 06/28/1974 | -- Played Sgt. Carter on the TV ... |  | Sutton, Willie | 11/02/1980 | -- Prolific bank robber, when as... |  | Suu Kyi, Aung San | | -- Democracy campaigner in Burma... |  | Suzman, Helen | 01/01/2009 | -- South African MP who was a lo... |  | Suzuki, David | | -- Canadian scientist and enviro... |  | Suzuki, Shinichi | 01/26/1998 | -- Inventor of the "Suzuki Metho... |  | Svenson, Bo | | -- He has appeared in the movies... |  | Swaggart, Jimmy | | -- Televangelist who sinned agai... |  | Swann, Lynn | | -- Football player, Hall of Fame... |  | Swanson, Gloria | 04/04/1983 | -- She won fame as an actress du... |  | Swayze, John Cameron | 08/15/1995 | -- He was the first network TV n... |  | Swayze, Patrick | 09/14/2009 | -- He starred in "Dirty Dancing"... |  | Sweet, Dolph | 05/08/1985 | -- He played Chief Carl Kanisky ... |  | Swenson, Inga | | -- Played Gretchen on the TV ser... |  | Swift, Clive | 02/01/2019 | -- British actor, best known as ... |  | Swigert, Jack | 12/27/1982 | -- Astronaut and Command Module ... |  | Swindoll, Charles R. | | -- Host of the Bible-teaching ra... |  | Swit, Loretta | | -- Played Hot Lips Houlihan on t... |  | Switzer, Barry | | -- Football coach, he won three ... |  | Switzer, Carl | 01/21/1959 | -- Played Alfalfa in the Little ... |  | Szilard, Leo | 05/30/1964 | -- Hungarian physicist, with Enr... |
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