| Name | Date of Death | Info |
 | Schwarzenegger, Ar... | | -- Muscle man and movie actor an... |  | Schwarzkopf, Norman | 12/27/2012 | -- Supreme military commander of... |  | Schweiker, Richard | 07/31/2015 | -- Former longtime congressman a... |  | Schweitzer, Albert | 09/04/1965 | -- Doctor and humanitarian, know... |  | Schwerner, Michael | 06/21/1964 | -- Civil rights worker murdered ... |  | Scobee, Francis "D... | 01/28/1986 | -- Astronaut, commander of the s... |  | Scofield, Paul | 03/19/2008 | -- He appeared in "A Man for All... |  | Scoggins, Tracy | | -- She has appeared in "The Colb... |  | Scolari, Peter | | -- He played Henry (and female a... |  | Scopes, John T. | 10/21/1970 | -- Tennessee schoolteacher who s... |  | Scorsese, Martin | | -- Highly acclaimed director of ... |  | Scott, Bill | 11/29/1985 | -- The voice of a number of TV c... |  | Scott, Bon | 02/19/1980 | -- Lead singer for the group AC/... |  | Scott, David | | -- Astronaut, Commander of the A... |  | Scott, Debralee | 04/05/2005 | -- She played Hotsie Totsie on t... |  | Scott, George C. | 09/22/1999 | -- Starred in the movie "Patton"... |  | Scott, Gordon | 04/30/2007 | -- He played Tarzan in a number ... |  | Scott, Lizabeth | 01/31/2015 | -- Actress known for her appeara... |  | Scott, Martha | 05/28/2003 | -- Played Yochabel in the movie ... |  | Scott, Randolph | 03/02/1987 | -- Star of many Westerns in the ... |  | Scott, Raymond | 02/08/1994 | -- Whimsical swing-era composer,... |  | Scott, Ridley | | -- Director, "Alien", "Blade Run... |  | Scott, Robert L. | 02/27/2006 | -- Fighter ace in World War II, ... |  | Scott, Stuart | 01/04/2015 | -- Longtime sports anchor on ESP... |  | Scott, Tony | 08/19/2012 | -- Director of "Top Gun", "Enemy... |  | Scott, Willard | | -- Weatherman on NBC's "Today" s... |  | Scotti, Vito | 06/05/1996 | -- Had small parts in numerous m... |  | Scourby, Alexander | 02/22/1985 | -- Actor known especially for hi... |  | Scowcroft, Brent | | -- US National Security Advisor ... |  | Scruggs, Earl | 03/28/2012 | -- Bluegrass musician, banjo pla... |  | Scully, Vin | | -- Sports announcer, LA Dodger p... |  | Seaborg, Glenn | 02/25/1999 | -- Winner of the Nobel Prize for... |  | Seagal, Steven | | -- He has starred in a number of... |  | Seagren, Bob | | -- He won the gold medal in the ... |  | Seale, Bobby | | -- Prominent member of the Black... |  | Seals, Dan | 03/25/2009 | -- Also known as England Dan and... |  | Seals, Jim | | -- Half of the Seals & Croft... |  | Sealy, Malik | 05/20/2000 | -- Basketball player for the NBA... |  | Seattle Slew | 05/07/2002 | -- Racehorse, winner of the 1977... |  | Seau, Junior | 05/02/2012 | -- Football player, star linebac... |  | Seaver, Tom | | -- Baseball player, Hall of Fame... |  | Sebald, W.G. | 12/14/2001 | -- German-born writer, novels in... |  | Sebastian, John | | -- Founding member of the group ... |  | Seberg, Jean | 09/08/1979 | -- Starred in the original versi... |  | Sebring, Jay | 08/09/1969 | -- High-profile Hollywood hair s... |  | Secombe, Harry | 04/11/2001 | -- Welsh comedian, actor and sin... |  | Secretariat | 10/04/1989 | -- One of the greatest racehorse... |  | Sedaka, Neil | | -- Singer/songwriter, "Calendar ... |  | Seeger, Pete | 01/27/2014 | -- Folk singer, member of the We... |  | Segal, Erich | 01/17/2010 | -- Author of the novel "Love Story" |
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