| Name | Date of Death | Info |
 | Vaughan, Stevie Ray | 08/27/1990 | -- Blues guitarist, "The Sky is ... |  | Vaughn, Robert | 11/11/2016 | -- He played Napoleon Solo in th... |  | Vee, Bobby | 10/24/2016 | -- Rock and roll singer at his p... |  | Veeck, Bill | 01/02/1986 | -- Baseball team owner, over the... |  | VelJohnson, Reginald | | -- Played Carl Winslow on the TV... |  | Vento, Bruce | 10/10/2000 | -- US congressman from Minnesota... |  | Ventura, Jesse "Th... | | -- Former pro wrestler, former g... |  | Venturi, Ken | 05/17/2013 | -- Longtime golf commentator for... |  | Vera-Ellen | 08/30/1981 | -- Dancer and actress, she appea... |  | Verdon, Gwen | 10/18/2000 | -- Celebrated Broadway dancer an... |  | Verdugo, Elena | 05/30/2017 | -- She played Consuelo on the TV... |  | Vereen, Ben | | -- Played Chicken George in the ... |  | Verhoeven, Paul | | -- Director known especially for... |  | Vermeil, Dick | | -- Football coach, he led the NF... |  | Vernon, John | 02/01/2005 | -- He played Dean Wormer in the ... |  | Versace, Donatella | | -- Fashion designer, she has run... |  | Versace, Gianni | 07/15/1997 | -- Fashion designer, killed in f... |  | Vesco, Robert | 11/23/2007 | -- Financier, fugitive from US j... |  | Vicious, Sid | 02/02/1979 | -- Bass player for the punk band... |  | Vidal, Gore | 07/31/2012 | -- Novelist, essayist, playwrigh... |  | Videla, Jorge | 05/17/2013 | -- Leader of the Argentine milit... |  | Vidor, King | 11/01/1982 | -- Director, "Solomon and Sheba"... |  | Vieira de Mello, S... | 08/19/2003 | -- Brazilian diplomat and United... |  | Vieira, Meredith | | -- Co-host of the "Today" mornin... |  | Vigoda, Abe | 01/26/2016 | -- He played Detective Fish on t... |  | Vila, Bob | | -- Home fix-up guru, former host... |  | Vilas, Guillermo | | -- Argentinian tennis player, wo... |  | Villard, Tom | 11/14/1994 | -- Starred as Jay Bostwick in th... |  | Villechaize, Hervé | 09/04/1993 | -- He played Tattoo on the TV se... |  | Villeneuve, Gilles | 05/08/1982 | -- Formula One race car driver, ... |  | Vincent Wilson, Joyce | | -- She was one half of Tony Orla... |  | Vincent, Fay | | -- Former Commissioner of Major ... |  | Vincent, Gene | 10/12/1971 | -- Rockabilly singer, sang "Be-B... |  | Vincent, Jan-Michael | 02/10/2019 | -- Star of the TV series "Airwol... |  | Vinton, Bobby | | -- Pop singer and crooner popula... |  | Viola, Roberto Edu... | 09/30/1994 | -- Military junta leader in Arge... |  | Viorst, Judith | | -- Novelist, poet, non-fiction w... |  | Virén, Lasse | | -- Finnish distance runner, won ... |  | Vishniac, Wolf | 12/10/1973 | -- Microbiologist, studied the o... |  | Vitale, Dick | | -- Colorful basketball analyst a... |  | Viterelli, Joe | 01/29/2004 | -- He had small but memorable ro... |  | Vitte, Ray | 02/20/1983 | -- He appeared in the movies "Cr... |  | Võ Nguyên Giap | 10/04/2013 | -- Vietnamese general, leader of... |  | Vogel, Janet | 02/21/1980 | -- Singer with the 1950s group T... |  | Vogler, Rich | 07/21/1990 | -- Race car driver, killed in a ... |  | Voight, Jon | | -- Starred in "Midnight Cowboy",... |  | Voinovich, George | 06/12/2016 | -- Former US senator from Ohio a... |  | Volcker, Paul | 12/08/2019 | -- Former chairman of the US Fed... |  | Volkov, Vladislav | 06/30/1971 | -- Cosmonaut, died along with fe... |  | Volz, Nedra | 01/20/2003 | -- Dimunitive actress who specia... |
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