| Name | Date of Death | Info |
 | von Braun, Wernher | 06/16/1977 | -- Pioneer in rocket science, fi... |  | von Bülow, Claus | 05/25/2019 | -- Accused of trying to kill his... |  | von Bulow, Sunny | 12/06/2008 | -- Her husband, Claus von Bulow,... |  | von Däniken, Erich | | -- Author of "Chariots of the Go... |  | Von Erich, Fritz | 09/10/1997 | -- Patriarch of the Von Erich pr... |  | Von Erich, Kerry | 02/18/1993 | -- Professional wrestler, member... |  | von Furstenberg, D... | | -- Fashion designer |  | von Karajan, Herbert | 07/16/1989 | -- Conductor of the Berlin Philh... |  | von Ohain, Hans | 03/13/1998 | -- Designed the world's first op... |  | von Schuschnigg, Kurt | 11/18/1977 | -- Chancellor of Austria at the ... |  | von Stade, Frederica | | -- Opera singer, mezzo-soprano w... |  | von Stroheim, Erich | 05/12/1957 | -- Director and actor, as a dire... |  | von Sydow, Max | | -- He has appeared in "Three Day... |  | von Trapp, Maria | 03/28/1987 | -- The movie "The Sound of Music... |  | von Weizsäcker, Ri... | 01/31/2015 | -- Former president of West Germ... |  | Vonnegut, Kurt Jr. | 04/11/2007 | -- Author of "Cat's Cradle", "Sl... |  | Vorster, John | 09/10/1983 | -- Former prime minister of Sout... |  | vos Savant, Marilyn | | -- She is claimed to have the hi... |  | Vreeland, Diana | 08/22/1989 | -- Influential fashion writer an... |  | Vukovich, Bill III | 11/25/1990 | -- Indy race car driver from the... |
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