| Name | Date of Death | Info |
 | Waller, Robert James | 03/10/2017 | -- Author of "The Bridges of Mad... |  | Walley, Deborah | 05/10/2001 | -- Played Gidget in the movie "G... |  | Walsh, Adam | 07/27/1981 | -- His abduction and murder at t... |  | Walsh, Bill | 07/30/2007 | -- Former head coach of the San ... |  | Walsh, J.T. | 02/27/1998 | -- He appeared in many movies, i... |  | Walsh, Joe | | -- Lead guitarist of the Eagles ... |  | Walsh, John | | -- Host of the TV series "Americ... |  | Walsh, Lawrence | 03/20/2014 | -- Special prosecutor who invest... |  | Walsh, M. Emmet | | -- He has appeared in many, many... |  | Walston, Ray | 01/01/2001 | -- He gained fame as Uncle Marti... |  | Walter, Jessica | | -- She has appeared in "Play Mis... |  | Walters, Barbara | | -- Former longtime co-anchor of ... |  | Walters, Julie | | -- British actress who played th... |  | Walters, Larry | 10/06/1993 | -- In 198Walters&L=http://ww... |  | Walters, Laurie | | -- Played Joannie in the TV seri... |  | Walton, Bill | | -- NBA Hall of Fame basketball p... |  | Walton, Sam | 04/05/1992 | -- Founder of the Wal-Mart chain... |  | Waltrip, Darrell | | -- NASCAR race car driver, three... |  | Wambaugh, Joseph | | -- Former policeman known for hi... |  | Wanamaker, Sam | 12/18/1993 | -- He appeared in the movies "Pr... |  | Wang, An | 03/24/1990 | -- Founder of Wang Laboratories,... |  | Wang, Vera | | -- Designer, most famous for her... |  | Wankel, Felix | 10/09/1988 | -- German-born inventor of the W... |  | Wapner, Joseph | 02/26/2017 | -- Retired judge, he served as t... |  | Ward, Burt | | -- Played Robin on the TV series... |  | Ward, Fred | | -- Played astronaut Gus Grissom ... |  | Ward, Jay | 10/12/1989 | -- Producer of several well-know... |  | Ward, Rachel | | -- She starred in the popular TV... |  | Ward, Sela | | -- She played Teddy on the TV se... |  | Warden, Jack | 07/19/2006 | -- He starred or appeared in man... |  | Ware, Lancelot | 08/15/2000 | -- Co-founder of the high IQ gro... |  | Warfield, Marsha | | -- She played Roz the bailiff on... |  | Warfield, Paul | | -- Hall of Fame football player,... |  | Warhol, Andy | 02/22/1987 | -- Pop art pioneer |  | Waring, Fred | 07/29/1984 | -- Choral music director, leader... |  | Warner, John | | -- US senator from Virginia, for... |  | Warnes, Jennifer | | -- Best known for her duets on a... |  | Warren, Earl | 07/09/1974 | -- Former Chief Justice of the U... |  | Warren, Fran | 03/04/2013 | -- Big Band singer, known for "A... |  | Warren, Lesley Ann | | -- She was Cinderella in the 196... |  | Warren, Robert Penn | 09/15/1989 | -- Former Poet Laureate of the U... |  | Warrick, Ruth | 01/15/2005 | -- She played Mrs. Kane in the g... |  | Warwick, Dionne | | -- Singer, also big in the Psych... |  | Washington, Denzel | | -- He's starred in "Glory", "The... |  | Washington, Dinah | 12/14/1963 | -- R&B singer, hits include ... |  | Washington, Grover... | 12/17/1999 | -- Grammy-winning saxophonist, k... |  | Washington, Harold | 11/25/1987 | -- Former mayor of Chicago, he w... |  | Washington, Kermit | | -- NBA basketball player with Lo... |  | Washkansky, Louis | 12/21/1967 | -- He was the recipient in the f... |  | Washoe | 10/30/2007 | -- Chimpanzee who was trained in... |
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