| Name | Date of Death | Info |
 | Withers, Jane | | -- Played Josephine, the plumber... |  | Witt, Paul Junger | 04/27/2018 | -- Producer (or executive produc... |  | Wodehouse, P.G. | 02/14/1975 | -- BritisJeeves&L=http://www... |  | Woerner, Manfred | 08/13/1994 | -- Secretary-General of NATO, di... |  | Wolf, Howlin' | 01/10/1976 | -- Blues singer, "Sitting on Top... |  | Wolf, Markus | 11/09/2006 | -- Famed spymaster of East Germa... |  | Wolfe, Gene | 04/14/2019 | -- Science fiction/fantasy write... |  | Wolfe, Tom | 05/14/2018 | -- Author of "The Right Stuff", ... |  | Wolfowitz, Paul | | -- Head of the World Bank, forme... |  | Wolper, David L. | 08/10/2010 | -- Producer of the TV series "Ro... |  | Wonder, Stevie | | -- R&B, soul and pop singer,... |  | Wong, Victor | 09/12/2001 | -- He appeared in "The Joy Luck ... |  | Woo, John | | -- Director, originally from Chi... |  | Wood, Andrew | 03/19/1990 | -- Lead singer of the band Mothe... |  | Wood, Ed | 12/10/1978 | -- Brought us "Plan 9 From Outer... |  | Wood, Evelyn | 08/26/1995 | -- Famous for her speed reading ... |  | Wood, Gene | 05/21/2004 | -- Announcer on various TV game ... |  | Wood, John | 05/29/1979 | -- US federal judge, first feder... |  | Wood, Lana | | -- Played Plenty O'Toole in the... |  | Wood, Natalie | 11/29/1981 | -- Starred in the movie version ... |  | Wood, Ron | | -- Guitarist in the band The Rol... |  | Woodard, Alfre | | -- She has appeared in "Cross Cr... |  | Wooden, John | 06/04/2010 | -- Legendary UCLA basketball coa... |  | Woodhouse, Barbara | 07/09/1988 | -- Dog trainer, known for her bo... |  | Woodley, David | 05/06/2003 | -- Football player, former quart... |  | Woodruff, Judy | | -- Reporter/news anchor on CNN, ... |  | Woods, Donald | 08/19/2001 | -- South African newspaper edito... |  | Woods, James | | -- Starred in "Salvador", also a... |  | Woods, Robert S. | | -- He's played Bo Buchanan on th... |  | Woods, Rose Mary | 01/22/2005 | -- Secretary for US president Ri... |  | Woodward, Bob | | -- With fellow Washington Post r... |  | Woodward, Edward | 11/16/2009 | -- He starred in the TV series "... |  | Woodward, Joanne | | -- She's starred or appeared in ... |  | Woody, Allen | 08/26/2000 | -- Former bassist with the Allma... |  | Woolery, Chuck | | -- TV game show host, "Wheel of ... |  | Wooley, Sheb | 09/16/2003 | -- Actor, singer, and songwriter... |  | Wopat, Tom | | -- Played Luke Duke on the TV se... |  | Worden, Al | | -- Astronaut, Command Module pil... |  | Worley, Jo Anne | | -- Regular on the TV show "Laugh... |  | Wouk, Herman | 05/17/2019 | -- Author of "The Caine Mutiny",... |  | Wozniak, Steve | | -- Co-founder of Apple Computer,... |  | Wray, Fay | 08/08/2004 | -- Starred in the original versi... |  | Wright, Ben | 07/02/1989 | -- He appeared in many films, mo... |  | Wright, Eric "Eazy E" | 03/26/1995 | -- Rap musician, member of the g... |  | Wright, Frank Lloyd | 04/09/1959 | -- Usually considered the most i... |  | Wright, Jim | 05/06/2015 | -- Former Speaker of the US Hous... |  | Wright, Max | 06/26/2019 | -- He played Willie Tanner in th... |  | Wright, Mickey | 02/17/2020 | -- Hall of Fame golfer, she won ... |  | Wright, Richard | 11/28/1960 | -- Novelist and short story writ... |  | Wright, Richard (I) | 09/15/2008 | -- Keyboardist and founding memb... |
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